Product Description
Wbox S485 is an industrial universal control unit. It is running on an h3 low energy consumption board featuring the best performance for money on the market. The operating system is Unix Armbian with accomodations to control the rs485 and knx ports. In combination with our software suites, it’s an ideal solution for control and regulation of smart building systems, HVAC systems, industrial automation and others. The unit can also be utilized for energy consumption monitoring, data collection, cloud storage, or as a gateway between various protocols and equipments (boilers, heaters, actuators, sensors etc.). This device is especially useful when used as a gateway between IP/IoT protocols, and serial rs485 protocols like BACnet MSTP, or Modbus RTU.
Weble products can be used in:
- Residential buildings, apartments
- Commercial areas, offices, banks
- Entertainment areas, cinemas, bars, pubs, dance clubs
- Outdoor places, gas stations, parking lots, sport centers
- Areas of light industry, workshops, laboratories, service centers
The S485 can be customized and custom OEM branding on the enclosure is possible. It is possible to use the S485 either with Weble building automation softwares, or with your own custom softwares / any open-source softwares developped by the community. Contact us for more information.