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Driver KNXDriver KNX



This license permits to use the KNX driver. The driver on unix sytems (all Weble boxes) supports KNX IP, KNX USB, and KNX TwistedPair connexions. When no KNX TwistedPair connector is present on the device, one needs to connect to the KNX network through an IP or USB KNX gateway. On Windows machines, only KNX IP is supported. Package includes:

  • Unlimited KNX driver license

105.00  113.51 incl. 8.10 % tax
Windows / WBox ID

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SKU: N/A. Category: .

Product Description

KNX is a communication protocol developed for — and widely used in —home and building automation. It is a standardized (EN 50090, ISO/IEC 14543), OSI-based network communications protocol that is administered by the KNX Association.

The standard is based on the communication stack of the European Installation Bus (EIB) but enlarged with the physical layers, configuration modes, and application experience of BatiBUS and EHS.

Additional Information

Number of gateways

unlimited (depend of system ressources)


TCP / Multicast / USB. Windows OS supports only TCP connection.

ETS Maintenance

ETS4/ETS5 Only supported on WBox / Unix OS.

Number of group address

65535 addresses

Number of device address

65535 addresses

Special functions

– KNX Router
– Multicast Serveur
– Read group address value (cyclically)
– Response to read query
– Restart device
– Ping device

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