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This client VPN, once activated on your device, will permit you to access it remotely for configuration and maintenance. It can also be used to access the device LAN and access other IP equipments. This solution can be used to deploy a smartphone application and access your installation from your cellular network (3g/4g/5g) or from any web-browser. The VPN connection is fully encrypted and secure.

420.00  454.02 incl. 8.10 % tax
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Product Description

Product description

Home automation groups all methods that enable the monitoring, planning, and automation of a home using electronics, telecommunications, and automated systems.

It should be noted that home automation is part of a very broad technical and computer field, and it allows for the programming of most of the electrical equipment and devices used in a home. This can include heating systems, various lighting systems, audiovisual and household appliances, as well as devices for controlling the opening/closing of doors and windows.

Home automation facilitates the management of the home by allowing, in particular, the adjustment of the temperature in each room of the house and the monitoring of alarm systems.

Quel est le principe de la domotique ?

The main objective of home automation is to allow for remote or local programming, control, and automation of all devices in the home that are integrated into a network.

The network in question can operate wirelessly or be wired to ensure the reception and transmission of data between the different control points and the devices to be managed. Each device can in turn use the network to communicate its operating status to the control points.

In other words, different electrical equipment communicates with each other through the wired network and is controlled by a central computer that has been previously programmed. Information is transmitted through the electrical network of the house. Software must be installed on a computer equipped with the operating system that allows for the management of all technical equipment in the home.

The more advanced and sophisticated the equipment used, the greater the number of possible linked scenarios (for example, the frequency and time of turning on the heating system, opening windows, programming the coffee maker, etc.).

Quels sont les bénéfices d'un système domotique?

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Additional Information

Web platform

Web platform is available for remote accesses management to your devices. You can setup accesses for your team or your customers to your set of devices.


Can access the device with native PPTP/L2TP client from laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Proxy HTTP(S)

Provides a reverse proxy to access the device web server / web application from anywhere with a simple URL.

Remote desktop

You can easily setup a remote desktop connexion via RDP for windows, or VNC. This feature is available from the web platform.

Remote Maintenance

You can remotely access the entire local IP (LAN) network of the site as if you were there. This allows you to maintain the site, program your controllers, or KNX participants via ETS, etc.


You can setup secured VPN tunnel between two different sites. This permits to route, communicate information or actions between sites running on different IP networks.


You can manage all your remote sites from a single adminsitration webpage.

Distributed Architecture

We dispose multiple VPN servers working in a mesh network. If one fails, the VPN clients can connect to another to maintain the accessibility.

Firewall friendly

The VPN uses a single TCP port, so it is easy to configure the remote sites firewall to permit the connectivity. The VPN client can also try to connect through an HTTP or SSH tunnel if configured so.

OEM VPN Server

You can on demand purchase your own OEM VPN Server running in your locals or on the cloud. With this solution, you have the total control of your VPN solution.

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